We visited Warren House on Wednesday and Garson's Farm today. As the Warren House photos were taken on a different camera, I will only be uploading the Garson's photos today. We realised that the corn fields were the best place to film, as they were the only place which would fit in our music video:

In lesson today we discussed whether Emily would be able to play the guitar for our music video. We decided that we will have someone to teach her part of the song at least. We also continued story boarding.
Here are what the storyboards are looking like so far:

As you can see, we're thinking that there ought to be a lot of close ups, and we're actually quite determind to have a lot of beautiful scenery and nature shots with her in them. We've also decided that if we can, we'll use this gazebo-like area at Warren House where Sarah Evans works, as it fits in in with the lyrics and theme of our music video.
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