Just another Coombe Media group...

...we're working our way up there~

We've had a really sucsessful day filming at one of our locations, Warren House. We planned before hand exactly where and what we would film to ensure we had an effective and smooth running day. We started by filming at the outside locations begining with the gazebo, we got Emily to sing through the song whilst filming from as many angles as possible. We then did some more outside filming of things such as an establishing shot of the location, all of the outside filming went well and the sunny weather really helped.

We then moved to filming inside Warren house, we filmed at the grand stairs which looked really effective, we then moved to filming in the library which again went well, however we did have a few lighting issues due to being next to a window! Overall it all went really well and i think all of the footage will be usable and because we planned before hand it really gave us an advantage.

On another topic, we looked further at similar artist and music videos. We took note of scenes and shots that we liked, and were thinking of having in our own video. A couple of examples are Dido lying in the leaves in "Don't leave home" and Taylor Swift's "Love Story" where we know of a gazebo-like area that looks like her pillar-castle setting. Hopefully we'll get them in our video somewhere.



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