Just another Coombe Media group...

...we're working our way up there~

Yesterday we went to Richmond Park and took some more photos. Here are a selection:

During class we confirmed the costume details i.e Emily (our singer)  is adjusting the dress we bought in the charity shop. We also discovered that Emily's god mother owns a horse, which we can use in our pop video.

Later on today we all be visiting Warren House and taking more photos.

- Sammy 

Yesterday our group went to Hampton Court, and walked around the gardens taking photos of places where we thought we could have somewhere in our music video.

ETA : Here are some of the photos we took

Also, during class we started discussing our artist's background and profile. We've decided that we might also make her a website to show her biography as part of our portfolio. We ended up thinking of the following:

- Name : Emily Quinn (we decided to explain off her American accent by saying she had grown up in Ireland, hence she needed an Irish surname of some sort)

- Age : 22

- Born : in Ardara, County of Donegal, Ireland

- Music background : used to sing and play the guitar/piano locally, in churches and small events

- Currently lives : London. England

- Family : mother sings locally, a regular at church, and father can play the guitar

- Discovered by who and how : independent local record company

- Currently with : Faith and Hope Records - a small local independent record company (when we researched the Big 4, we straight away decided she would be with a small lablel in none of them because she wasn't big in the music world yet.)

- Music genre : Adult Contemporary/ Pop / Soft Rock, quite blurred as to what people think it is

- Sarah El-alfy

Today in our media lesson we finalised our location research dates;

Monday 28th Sept - Hampton Court

Tuesday 29th Sept - Richmond Park

Wednesday 30th Sept - Warren House

Friday 2nd Oct - Garson's Farm

We started story boarding, and progressed through one page of story boards through careful planning and skilled team work. We're off to Hampton court today as said above where we shall take pictures, I'm sure one of the others will post on that.

On another note, we also decided to do some audience research over the last few days, by asking people of a variety of ages these questions:
- What would you expect from a similar song's video?
- Would you expect the video to match the slow pace of the song?
- Describe the person you would expect to be singing it?
- What kind of locations would you expect to see in the video?
- Do you like this song? What kind of music do you normally listen to?

From the answers we realised that the people confirmed our beliefs in that the singer ought to pretty and feminine, that the video should be quite slow paced and that the there ought to be a "pretty location" as one participnat described.

Finally, it was easy to tell the sort of people who did like the song. It certainly would not be listened to by most teengaers who's music ranged: hard rock, r'n'b, pop, etc. However some teengers, and many adults did like it more, and it the song fell into their list of normally listened to genres. The kind of people who would be trying to find themselves, according to institutions who would try to sell the song, hence this would be our target audeience.

I was given the task of creating a sort of diagram to further explain. (please click on the image to enlarge)

- Adam

In the lesson we decided on our first few shots, the open sequence has been decided. It will be a number of extreme close ups circling her body making it hard for the viewer to understand what they are watching and so will continue watching the video to gain understanding.
We looked at other possible costume ideas to add variety to the video. As well as this we have decided which days we will visit each of our location options to look at them in greater detail.

Also, we have finished our "big four" presentation. We've uploaded it onto slideshare.com, and embedded it here.

- Sarah Evans

We visited a number of charity shops with our performer to look for costumes for the video. We were looking for a plain white dress which will compliment her figure and make her appear elegant and encourage the audience to keep watching. We found a nice dress which we intend to use, it is knee length, white and comliments her body.

We also handed in our video analyses that we were told to do for a music video fo a similar artist to help us with our own:

Sarah El-alfy


- Sarah Evans

Today we decided to plan some of our shot ideas and talked about what costumes we should use for the video. Also we began analysing the lyrics trying to decide on locations that would suit the songs meaning. as well as this we looked at similar artists such as Dido, Taylor Swift and Nerina Pallot.

Our 'artist' for the song has also been decided (pictured). We've all worked with her in a previous project and hope that this means it will easy to work with her again. Her image fits the voice, and her pretty feminine face and figure also go along with the stereotypical view of how she ought to look like, which ought to make her belivable and interesting to watch.

We've also been set a task by our teachers to research the big four music groups, and make a presentation. We started looking up and taking notes on these.

-Sarah El-alfy