Just another Coombe Media group...

...we're working our way up there~

Our coursework is officially over and done with. All that's left is the teachers marking it and sending it off, and then our exam in June. We just thought we'd leave a message thanking everyone who've helped us - Emily, the teachers, our parents, the owners of the locations, and just generally the people who let us steal their time just so we could get feedback over and over again. Thankyou so much for helping us along with this project.

We also want to tell you that we've learnt so many things from this month long experience. From year 12 when most of us had barely even picked up a camcorder or sat at a mac. To now, where we can get people on screen to lip synch perfectly to something they're not even singing, where we manages to do these super cool edits like split screens and cross dissolves, and where we realise that those 20 minute long walks down a road so we can shoot someplace are actually worth it.

Since it is our last post, we thought we'd share some of the photos we took that made it so fun while making the video, but that we didn't necessarily actually put in it:

So now finally, from all us in this last entry, thanks for following us on "Just another Coombe Media group." And if you just happen to want to see the fruits of our hard labour, check it out on youtube here. (note: the video is very bad quality and at times out of synch since we had to compress it, but hopefully we'll soon put up the better version soon)

- Adam, Sarah El, Sarah Ev, and Sammy


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Where words fail, music speaks ~ Hans Christian Anderson