Just another Coombe Media group...

...we're working our way up there~

Today we presented our evaluation. Here's the presentation which we gave.

The on-screen presentation was supported by our group talking. We covered conventions, artist, institutions, ways we used the web and intertextuality to promote our artist (i.e. the site and the digipak), and general technology we used during the project.

The teachers filmed us doing the presentation so the examiners could get a sense of who we were as students and if we really understood our music video. Being filmed made us feel a little jittery so we ended up rehearsing a couple of times beforehand, just to make sure we knew what we had to say.

Nonetheless, in the actual presentation, we of course ended missing things out but also put in other things that we remembered on the spot. All in all, we felt we did okay.

- Sarah El-alfy


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