Today in media as a class we remade the first 90 seconds of Britney Spears's Video '...Baby One More Time' we had to split up each role amognst ourselves, some people where the dancers in the video and had to learn the dance, the others where the camera people and then others will do some of the editing. in my opinion everyone in the class was able to work well as a team, and we did our best to recreate the video. Mine and Sammy's job in the video was to be a dancer, we had to learn the dance and perform it in time with the music. As well as this we filmed one or two of the locker shots. Adam was also a dancer and assisted in the camerawork by filming some of the lockershots as well. Sarah was one of the people who made a 'Making Of '...Baby One More Time'', this included interviews with the asigned director and producer, as well as the girl who played Britney and some of the camera crew. She will also help edit the music video together to make sure that all of the shots match and are in time with the music.
It was an enjoyable day and we are all looking forward to startung work on our own music video and look forward to seeing our finished result.
- Sarah Evans
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