Just another Coombe Media group...

...we're working our way up there~

Today we had to sign up to the song we wanted to make our music video to.
Sarah evans and I (as the closest group members to school) went into school at 8.30 and were lucky enough to get our number one choice of song 'Fallen'. We later went over the lyrics again and listened to the music to come up with ideas of what would look perfect!

We have already started to make lists of possible cast, locations, costumes and camera shot.

The lyrics to our song:
Heaven bent to take my hand
And lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer
To a long and painful fight

Truth be told I've tried my best
But somewhere along the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
And the cost was so much more than I could bear

Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...

We all begin with good intent
Love was raw and young
We believed that we could change ourselves
The past could be undone
But we carry on our backs the burden
Time always reveals
The lonely light of morning
The wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
That I have held so dear.

I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...

Heaven bent to take my hand
Nowhere left to turn
I'm lost to those I thought were friends
To everyone I know
Oh they turned their heads embarassed
Pretend that they don't see
But it's one missed step
You'll slip before you know it
And there doesn't seem a way to be redeemed

Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...

Here's the sheet with our lyrics and ideas on:

- Sammy

Today we heard the rest of our music video song choices. we particulaly liked 'sick and tired' and 'soon we'll be found', so together we had a long discusion about putting our choices in order of what we wanted to do.
We origionally chose 'Sick and tired' as our number one choice but after looking at the lyrics we decided that we didn't really want to make a music video to that song. We then had to chose our favorite out of the other songs, and from listening to the music, looking at the lyrics and thinking of possible music video content we chose the order : 1) 'Fallen' 2) 'Soon we'll be found' 3)'Aeroplanes'.
As a group we are very happy with this decision!

- Sammy

Today our teacher started to play our song options, so far we are interested in Aeroplanes and Fallen.

- Sarah El-alfy

Today in media as a class we remade the first 90 seconds of Britney Spears's Video '...Baby One More Time' we had to split up each role amognst ourselves, some people where the dancers in the video and had to learn the dance, the others where the camera people and then others will do some of the editing. in my opinion everyone in the class was able to work well as a team, and we did our best to recreate the video. Mine and Sammy's job in the video was to be a dancer, we had to learn the dance and perform it in time with the music. As well as this we filmed one or two of the locker shots. Adam was also a dancer and assisted in the camerawork by filming some of the lockershots as well. Sarah was one of the people who made a 'Making Of '...Baby One More Time'', this included interviews with the asigned director and producer, as well as the girl who played Britney and some of the camera crew. She will also help edit the music video together to make sure that all of the shots match and are in time with the music.

It was an enjoyable day and we are all looking forward to startung work on our own music video and look forward to seeing our finished result.

- Sarah Evans

This is our fast and slow sequence, the objective of this task was to learn more about different camera techniques and angles as well as effects and visual aids. We filmed similar shot for each sequence it was just a matter of editing them differently so that they suited the speed and style of the music, for example in the faster sequence there are a lot more quicker cuts and edits to represent the style of music. However, the slower sequence had more cross dissolves and fades to make the video cuts smoother. We learnt how to cut away from a shot and go back to it later on, this is to keep the audience engaged.
We could have improved our sequences by including more facial expressions and using props to make it more interesting to watch.

- Sarah Evans and Sammy

Sarah El-alfy and I spent two hours on Friday editing our fast and slow clips. It was generally a success. However from Task 3 we learnt that you needs lot of footage for music videos. We spent a long time filming and had lots of footage but when it came down to editing it to a 45 second track we nearly ran out. We also learnt its quite hard to edit footage to music, quite hard to get the cuts in with the beats and make everything run smoothly

Here is our first video: Home.

And our second video: Policy Truth.

- Adam Warner

We finished editing the music videos today during our break. It all went quite well, apart from us realising that we didn't nearly have as much footage that we'd filmed in that hour as we would have liked - probably done by purpose by our teachers to make us realise that for the actual main task we would have learnt so. As a result of this, we ended up repeating most of the footage in both music videos.

Here are some stills from the music videos, and Adam or I will add the actual videos later.

- Sarah El-alfy

Recently our group has been split in half. Sarah El-alfy and I, and Sammy and Sarah Evans. We've been asked to do task 3 (skipping task 2 - first 60 seconds of Britney's "...Baby One More Time" as a class) in which we have to film an hours footage and then edit it to two pieces of music : one slow and one fast track.

Sarah and I filmed on Tuesday at a friend's house, in the loft. We were lucky as they had just had it done by the builders, and the room was completely empty as well bright. Setting up the equipement was easy, and there was plenty of room for the props and bags with costumes on the side. As the room was bright, there was no problem with the lighting.

We had mostly sucess apart from dropping Sarah's camera and tapes so they didn't end up working for our shoot and having to use another. Also one of actresses became suddenly busy, meaning we had to cover up her parts with other people. That meant we'd learnt to bring extra tapes at least when we shot something, and also to have some sort of plan-B incase people who were to be in it suddenly didn't turn up.

But now we plan on editing it to the pieces of music tomorrow. I'm sure Sammy and Sarah will blog on their piece.
